Ways to Support a Friend Who is Going Through a Divorce

Divorce can be a devastating and stressful time, and as a friend of someone navigating the divorce process, it can be difficult to know what to say or do to show your support. Thankfully, there are many ways that you can support a friend who is going through a divorce. For more advice and for quality legal representation for your friend navigating this difficult time, call or contactSelect Law Partners in Fredericksburg today.

Just Listen

The best thing that you can do for a friend going through a divorce is to just listen. While you may want to explain how it will be alright, sometimes the best thing to do is to be quiet and listen. Be a calm and supporting presence for your friend. If they need something or want advice, they will let you know.

Do Not Trash the Ex

As tempting as it may be, avoid badmouthing your friend’s ex. Saying bad things about your friend’s former spouse can put them in an awkward situation. Even though they are separating, your friend still might have positive feelings toward his or her former spouse, and if there is a child involved, the couple will still need to communicate as co-parents. Instead, focus on your friend’s positive qualities and talk more about the good things in his or her life right now.

Offer to Help

A great way to support a friend going through a divorce is to offer to help. This means more than vague promises to help out – make concrete offers to help with things with which your friend might be struggling. Offer to babysit if your friend needs to go to mediation, or offer to help pack up the home and move. One of the simplest things your friend is missing is the extra set of hands that his or her spouse used to provide, and you can be there to fill that spot.

Make Them a Part of Events

One final way to support your friend is to continue to make them a part of events in your life. You may find some initial resistance to hanging out, either because your friend is so exhausted by the divorce process or is too embarrassed to be around others who might ask about the divorce. Be persistent, and make sure that your friend knows that he or she is always welcome.

Make plans to go out just yourselves if that makes your friend more comfortable, and try to remember special events in his or her life, like birthdays and holidays. Knowing that someone is there to still remember the important moments can be incredibly helpful to your friend’s emotional well-being and mental health.

Call or Contact Us Today

One final way that you can help a friend who is going through a divorce is to help with the process of hiring an experienced divorce attorney to handle the case. To schedule a consultation with one of our highly qualified divorce attorneys, call the office or contact us today at Select Law Partners.

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Matt Kurylo

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