How to Tell People You are Getting a Divorce

Making the decision to divorce your spouse is never easy, but what comes next can sometimes be even more difficult. Figuring out how to tell everyone else in your life — family, friends, coworkers, and others can sometimes feel overwhelming, but there are strategies that you employ to make this process as easy as possible for you and your loved ones. For more help with filing for divorce and all other divorce matters in Virginia, call or contactSelect Law Partners in Fredericksburg today.

How to Talk to Your Children

The most important people to share the news with first are your children. When talking to your children, especially minors who will continue to spend time with both parents after the divorce, it is important to not blame each other for the end of the marriage. Do not make one parent at fault or responsible for the breakup. If possible, work together to break the news to your children that you are getting a divorce. This also lays the groundwork for better communication once the divorce is finalized, but you still need to speak to each other about your children. Finally, be sure to talk to your children in a setting that is comfortable and safe for them, and be prepared to answer any questions that they might have about what comes next.

Strategies for Telling Others

There are many strategies that you can employ when it comes time to tell others about your divorce, and you can choose what works best for you. One common way to share the news of your divorce is through social media. It can be as subtle as changing your status to single on Facebook or making a public post about the split. If you are not comfortable making a public posting about your divorce, you can also consider sending a mass email about the news.

Similar to wedding announcements, people today are also sending out divorce announcements to share the news. However, these are usually sent out once the divorce is finalized, so if you plan on telling people beforehand, it may not be the best option. Christmas cards are another way to share the news, either subtly by not including your spouse in the Christmas picture or by providing an update in the card about your impending divorce.

If none of these options work for you, you can also simply tell people face to face. Prepare an elevator speech that gives the details succinctly and allows you to move on from that part of the conversation. You can also employ friends and loved ones to help you spread the word if it is too much to do it all yourself.

Call or Contact Us Now

Telling others about your divorce is not something that you need to go through alone. To learn more about the wide range of legal services we offer our clients navigating a divorce in the Fredericksburg area, call or contact Select Law Partners today to schedule a consultation of your case. 

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Matt Kurylo

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